Monday, December 26, 2011

Defence types in Evony

Basic rules of battle mechanics in Evony.
1)All troops move according to their speed.
2)They attack the first troop which is within their range.
3)If two or more different troop types are within striking distance to each other, then they attack the unit with highest speed (In compact defense) , And ranged units attack closest troops unless there is a range unit within range. They will ignore any and all troops and focus on ranged units.
4)If more then 1 range unit is with range they attack the troop with the highest total attack value.

In a 5k defense. Troops are attacked in the following order:

(Even though archers are faster than warriors and workers, archers stop once a troop is within range so wars and workers will pass them)
Archers attacking will follow the same order as in foot troops since the advance out of range of defending archers. However wars and workers will be within defending archers range so attacking archers will over look them and attack archers between warriors and workers.
Archers attacking in following order
Scouts don't get involved in battle until all defending troops get killed. After defending troops get killed scouts attack city ATs.
Defense types
5k Defense
This is the most used type of defense in evony. Typically you are supposed to have each type of wall fortification on your wall.
Preferred Wall Defense (well for me)
16100 Ats
2k traps
2k abatis
100 DTs
50 logs
Preferred Troops (low layering)
larger amount of archers

400k archers
400k wars
600k scouts
300k swords
20k pike
10k cavs
5k phracts
10k ballistas
2k pults
(these are the important troops)
Effective against cav, phract and ram waves when layered properly.
Lower Food Upkeep
Sustainable to Archer and mech RBs
Not so stable when offline
Compact Defense
The key to a Compact Defense(CD) is 0 traps abatis, and defense trebs. as this forces the enemy to fight your entire army at once instead of 1 at a time.

Preferred Wall Setup

18k ATs
250 rolling logs
Preferred Troops

Heavy Layering
Archers aren't needed as much as in a 5k defense but always good.

300k Archers
500k wars
600k scouts
100k pike
500k swords
100k cavs
50k phracts
30k ballistas
10k rams
4k pults

Very affective against Archer RBs and mech hits
Forces enemy to use more troops
Sturdy even when player is offline
Troop Upkeep can get more expensive do to heavy layering
Open to cav and phract smacks
Sustains massive damage from a ram attack
You can get Plundered if you try to transport or reinforce someone much larger then you in prestige.


0-2.99x prest = 0% losses
3-4.99x prest = 46% losses
5-6.99x prest = 73% losses
7-8.99x prest = 86% losses
9+ x prest = 93% losses
Its not a 100% chance that you will be plundered. Might get lucky but the formula above tells you max amount of troops you can loose.
Breaking Defense
Best way to break a CD is a ram attack, cavsmack or phractsmack. The closer you are to the defending city the more effective you can make the hit. Adding 1 archer, 1 ballista, and 1 pult will give your attack 3 extra rounds free from fire from enemy archers. But at the same time will increase march time. So very important to know when to add them and when to hold off adding them.
CD have no traps or abatis leaving them weak to these attacks as they get in range of all troops in 1 round doing serious damage.
Best way to break a defense with 5k settlers is a mech wave or an archer RB.
5k defenses are weak to these attacks as the defending troops march to attacking opposing army depending on their speed. This forces defending troops to spread out allowing archers to pick them off 1 unit at a time.

Credits Prodigy the 5 

Evony Hero Experiance guide

In evony heroes play the most vital role in determining which player will become more powerful and win in battle. Knowing to use the heores correctly will make the difference between you and your opponent. Heroes can produce more resource in city and kill more enemy troops in battle. Its inpossible in evony online game to progress very fast without having good heroes.
Here is the beginning of my post.


I)What each hero is used for


A)As mayor

-Increases amount of resources you get per hour.

-Cuts down the amount of time it takes to build


B)When attacking

-Increases the chance of capturing the enemy hero when capping city.


A)As mayor

-Cuts down time it takes to research something in


B)When attacking

-Increases the chance of finding medals/battle items.

-Increases troops defense. (Each type of troop gets a boost up until intel reaches a certain point.)


A)As mayor

-Cuts down time it takes to make troops in barrack.

B)When attacking

-Increases the individual troop attack, therefore increasing the chance of winning a battle.

C)When Defending

-The hero that has the highest attack in your city is automatically chosen to defend the the city.

II)How to train a Politics/Intel hero (I know of 3 ways, but will only post 2. If anyone knows of more please feel free to reply.)

1)Use this hero to attack lvl5 NPCs but give the points to

attack. When he hits 160 attack start to hit lvl10 NPCs

when you feel he is strong enough and has gained a lot of

points use holy water and replace the points into

politics. (This way can be expensive but fast)

2)Use your hero and attack lvl5 NPCs send your normal amount

of balls and trans as you would with any other weak hero,

but also add 1k warriors to 5k depending on how many you

can afford or how much experience. 1k is usually enough

but sending 5k will set of a few more.

III) Honor/Exp

What determines how much experience you gain.Its is not by how many troops you loose or what type of troop you loose. experience is gain by how many of the opponents army/defense you take down. So on a lvl5 NPC you gain experience from the troops you kill. Since you're not take down the logs, traps, or abatis your bot getting full experience.sending warriors will set of the logs and also some traps, but even though sending cavs will set of abatis they r expensive compared to the cheap and quick to make warriors.


Each hero has a base of 70 loyalty when first recruited from the inn. You can increase hi loyalty by either giving him gold or if you are low a medal. (Can also be rewarded with an item Excalibur, Wealth of Nation or Art of War) All of your heroes should have a loyalty of 100 at all time by rewarding with gold. This can be done every 15 minutes. If the heroes loyalty is to low he can leave or if you get attacked then there is a chance he will leave and get captured joining the enemy.


Each hero is payed in gold. The higher the lvl of the hero the more he is paid. If you have no gold in the city the hero will just leave.

VI) Main Hero

This is very important. never attack with your main hero. he has to remain in your city to builf troops and defend the city. The only time he sould be out is 2 attack NPC's.

(1) Using items.

- Anabasis: Increase hero's experience by 1,000 or 8% of current level cap

-Epitome of Military Science: Increase hero's experience by 10,000 or 30%

-On War - Increase hero's experience by 100,000 or 100%

This is typically the least common way of increasing a hero's experience since you either need to buy these items or win them off the wheel. And once you get to a high enough level, 8% hardly puts a dent in your experience.

(2) Being Mayor

The experience you receive from making troops only goes to the mayor of your city when the troops are FINISHED being made, not when you originally queue them up. The following is a list of how much experience you get per troop that is made.

-1 Worker: 1.125
-1 Warrior: 1.525
-1 Scout: 3.475
-1 Pikeman: 4.5
-1 Swordsman: 6.75
-1 Archer: 7
-1 Cavalry: 14.25
-1 Cataphract: 43.75
-1 Transporter: 14.875
-1 Ballista: 50
-1 Battering Ram: 68.75
-1 Catapult: 145

-1 Trap: 4.375
-1 Abatis: 8.375
-1 Archer's Tower: 27.25
-1 Rollinglog: 31.5
-1 Defensive Trebuchet: 83

For the buildings

Farm: 5, 11, 22, 45, 90, 180, 360, 720, 1440, 2880

Sawmill: 7, 14, 29, 58, 116, 232, 464, 928, 1856, 3712

Quarry: 9, 19, 39, 79, 158, 316, 633, 1267, 2534, 5068

Ironmine: 11, 23, 46, 92, 184, 369, 739, 1478, 2956, 5913

Cottage: 4, 9, 18, 37, 74, 148, 296, 592, 1184, 2368

Warehouse: 21, 43, 87, 174, 348, 696, 1392, 2784, 5568, 11136

Inn: 26, 53, 106, 212, 424, 848, 1696, 3392, 6784, 13568

Feasting Hall: 35, 70, 141, 282, 564, 1128, 2256, 4512, 9024, 18048

Market: 32, 65, 130, 260, 520, 1040, 2080, 4160, 8320, 1o6640

Rally Spot: 25, 50, 101, 203, 406, 812, 1624, 3248, 6496, 12992

Barracks: 28, 57, 114, 228, 456, 912, 1824, 3648, 7296, 14592

Beacon Tower: 39, 79, 158, 316, 632, 1264, 2528, 5056, 10112, 20224

Forge: 26, 53, 106, 213, 426, 852, 1704, 3408, 6816, 13632

Stable: 36, 73, 146, 292, 584, 1168, 2336, 4672, 9344, 18688

Workshop: 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384

Academy: 30, 61, 122, 244, 489, 979, 1958, 3916, 7833, 15667

Embassy: 19, 39, 79, 158, 316, 632, 1264, 2528, 5056, 10112

Relief Station: 83, 167, 335, 670, 1340, 2680, 5360, 10720, 21440, 42880

Walls: 128, 257, 515, 1030, 2060, 4120, 8240, 16480, 32960, 65920


Agriculture: 52, 105, 210, 420, 840, 1680, 3360, 6720, 13440, 26880

Lumbering: 63, 127, 255, 510, 1020, 2040, 4080, 8160, 16320, 32640

Masonry: 82, 165, 330, 660, 1320, 2640, 5280, 10560, 21120, 42240

Mining: 110, 220, 440, 880, 1760, 3520, 7040, 14080, 28160, 56320

Metal Casting: 258, 517, 1035, 2070, 4140, 8280, 16560, 33120, 66240, 132480

Informatics: 101, 203, 406, 812, 1624, 3248, 6496, 12992, 25984, 51968

Military Science: 131, 262, 525, 1051, 2102, 4204, 8408, 16816, 33632, 67264

Military Tradition: 157, 314, 628, 1256, 2513, 5027, 10054, 20108, 40217, 80435

Iron Working: 183, 366, 732, 1464, 2928, 5856, 11712, 23424, 46848, 93696

Logistics: 154, 309, 618, 1236, 2472, 4944, 9888, 19776, 39552, 79104

Compass: 153, 306, 612, 1224, 2448, 4896, 9792, 19584, 39168, 78336

Horseback Riding: 305, 610, 1220, 2440, 4880, 9760, 19520, 39040, 78080, 156160

Archery: 266, 533, 1066, 2132, 4264, 8528, 17056, 34112, 68224, 136448

Stockpile: 126, 252, 504, 1008, 2016, 4032, 8064, 16128, 32256, 64512

Medicine: 187, 375, 750, 1500, 3000, 6000, 12000, 24000, 48000, 96000

Construction: 305, 610, 1220, 2440, 4880, 9760, 19520, 39040, 78080, 156160

Engineering: 361, 722, 1445, 2890, 5780, 11560, 23120, 46240, 92480, 184960

Machinery: 295, 590, 1180, 2360, 4720, 9440, 18880, 37760, 75520, 151040

Privateering: 550, 1100, 2200, 4400, 8800, 17600, 35200, 70400, 140800, 281600

(3) (The most common) Through attacking other players, valleys, and NPC's

As you all know (I hope) the most common way to get experience for your hero is to send him/her on an attack. Your hero gain exp by the amount of troops you kill not by how much you loose!!!

-Worker - 2.25
-Warrior - 3.05
-Scout - 6.95
-Pikeman - 9
-Swordsman - 13.5
-Archer - 13.5
-Cavalry - 28.5
-Cataphract - 87.5
-Transporter - 29.75
-Ballista - 100
-Battering Ram - 137.5
-Catapult - 290

-Trap - 8.75
-Abaitis - 16.75
-Archer's Tower - 54.5
-Rolling log - 63
-Defensive Trebuchet - 166

The following is a list of how much experience you will get assuming you destroy every last enemy troop, including traps, abaitis, and logs. The number in parenthesis is how much experience you'll get if you only send ballistae and transporters, simulating a farming situation. Of course your results may vary depending upon how many traps, abaitis, and logs you take out when you attack.

-LvL 1 - 10,030 (1,280)
-LvL 2 - 27,615 (2,215)
-LvL 3 - 74,852 (40,602)
-LvL 4 - 112,551 (41,770)
-LvL 5 - 204,681 (93,212)
-LvL 6 - 325,262
-LvL 7 - 518,100
-LvL 8 - 752,220
-LvL 9 - 1,152,150
-LvL 10 - 1,865,000

VIII) Capping/Loosing Heroes.

When you get attacked you can cap the hero if the attacking hero has low loyalty. Heroes can be lost when spamming your enemy so to spam its best to use heroes that you wouldnt want to loose. And evony has confirmed that heroes CAN be lost scouting no matter how unlikely it is of happening.

IX) How to give hero.

To give a hero away you will 1st have to attack an npc until the hero loyality reaches 0. This step isnt needed but will help speed things up. After hero reaches loyality of 0 you will attack the city in which the other player wants to receive hero. Of course this step may need to be repeated as just having 0 loyality wont mean hero will automatically transfer.

X) Rank needed for hero persuading.

Hero Level Title Needed
1 - 9 Civilian
10 - 19 Knight
20 - 29 Baronet
30 - 39 Baron
40 - 49 Viscount
50 - 59 Earl
60 - 69 Marquis
70 - 79 Duke
80 - 89 Furstin
90+ Prinzessin

XI) Medals needed for persuading heros

Hero Level Amount needed Medal Needed
1 - 50 - -
51 - 60 1 Cross
61 - 70 2 Rose
71 - 80 3 Lion
81 - 90 4 Honor
91 - 100 5 Courage
101 - 110 6 Wisdom
111 - 120 7 Freedom
121 - 130 8 Justice
131 - 140 9 National

From lvl 131 and up a National medal is needed to persuade a hero. And the amount of national medals needed increase 1 every 10 lvls.

The formula for the amount of National medals needed is
((Hero Level Round Up Nearest 10)-50)) /10.

Hero Level 278 requires = (280-50)/10= 23 Nation Medals
Hero Level 200 requires = (200-50)/10= 15 Nation medals
Hero Level 183 requires = (190-50)/10= 14 Nation Medals

Some heroes have been shown to not follow the chart, but most do. And the amount of gold needed is always 1k gold for each level.

XI) Instant Army

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''Levels needed for
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''With Excalibur''''''''''''''next troop with excal
Warrior - - - - - - - - 432 - - - - - - 346 - - - - - - - - -111
Workers - - - - - - - - 571 - - - - - - 457 - - - - - - - - -111
Scouts - - - - - - - - -709 - - - - - - 568 - - - - - - - - - 64
Pikeman - - - - - - - - 790 - - - - - - 632 - - - - - - - - - 65
Swordsman - - - - - - 871 - - - - - - 697 - - - - - - - - - 71
Archer - - - - - - - - -959 - - - - - - 768 - - - - - - - - - 56
Calvary - - - - - - - - 1030- - - - - - 824 - - - - - - - - -111
transporter - - - - - -1168- - - - - - 935 - - - - - - - - - 65
Cataphracts - - - - - 1249- - - - - - 1000 - - - - - - - -111
Ballista - - - - - - - - 1388- - - - - - 1111 - - - - - - - - 64
Battering rams - - - - 1468- - - - - - 1175 - - - - - - - - 46
Catapults - - - - - - - 1526- - - - - - 1221 - - - - - - - - -0

XII) Instant wall Defenses

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Levels needed for
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Wealth of Nations''''''''''''''next wall D with wealth
Traps - - - - - -607 - - - -486 - - - - - - - - 110
Abatis - - - - - 745 - - - -596 - - - - - - - - -65
AT's - - - - - - -826- - - - 661- - - - - - - - 111
Logs - - - - - - 965- - - - 772 - - - - - - - - -81
Treb - - - - - - 1066- - - -853 - - - - - - - - -0

XIII) Hero Base

And finally this could be the most important aspect of a hero. The hero base is basically how we determine a heroes potential. The higher the base the more we want it to be our main hero. You can choose between high base attack, politics and intel.

Hero base is the lvl of the hero subtracted from the main focus of hero.

IE: attack is 680, intel is 60, politics is 13 and lvl is 600

Base is lvl attack 680 - attack 600

so base is 80

Base bellow 60 are worthless. Only use is for spamming.
Base of 60-63 are bad but worth keeping.
Base of 64-66 are ok.
Base of 67-69 are good bases which you should look for.
Base of 70-79 are incredibly lucky finds if found in inn. These are heroes you want.
Base of 80-89 are the best heroes. These can ONLY be found in Mars item.

Base of 90+ and you know ur addicted to evony case your dreaming of hero bases.

Credits - Prodigy the 5

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Use camp timing to coordinate attacks

in Evony, camp timing plays a very vital role while more than one player tries to coordinate their attacks on a single target enemy city or most essentially against historical cities. It is almost impossible to capture an historical city if you're breaking waves does not launch with a very close 5 to 10 seconds and in order. Timing is also essential in defense, imagine your enemy scouts in and see that your city is very low in troops. The enemy launches his attack, and your alliance mates reinforce you just 5 second before the attack hits your city. The enemy won't be able to recall his troops within that five seconds and will lose all the troops in a flash.
Camp timing is simply adding some extra minutes or hours to the ETA of your troops. It will delay the attack timing by the amount of camp timing you add.

In this image there is no troops are selected, so the one way trip is 0 second and the arrival time is 20:55:12.

In this image a camp time of 1 hour is added so the one way trip is 1h 00m 00s and arrival time is 21:56:36.
This looks quite simple, but the trouble arise because the arrival time is based on your local computer time based on your time zone. Thus if your server time is 05:42 and your computer clock time is 8:42 then adding 1 hour camp time will display the arrival time at 09:42 based on your computer clock timing. This causes a serious trouble if two different players of different time zone are trying to coordinate attacks to arrive at same time, because there are local computer timing are different.

To solve this problem, two players must set their time zone to central time (us and Canada). This way both their computer local time with same, and the sync timing will be more accurate.

However if you're playing age-2 , it is advised to remove the mounts of your heroes.

Even with these set up, you may find that the actual time your attacks hit the target differ by a few seconds from what it was shown in the rally spot interface. In the rally spot it might have been showing arrival time as 22:10:55 but the attack might have been actually hit at 22:11:00, introducing a further delay of 5 secs.
to avoid this problem, do some dummy attacks with 1 warrior and a hero on some historical city and check the difference of timing between your war report and alliance war report. If the difference between two is 5 seconds then set your camp timing accordingly.

So simply plan a attack to hit on a Minute mark say 15:00:00, then find look at the report and see when it actually hits , if it hits at 14:59:55, then your clock is 5 seconds ahead so next time plan you attack to hit at 15:00:05 and this time you will account for the difference in seconds.
Remember to eat every refresh of the browser or restart of the computer the lag time will change and you'll have two measure the lag time all over again.

Credits - Spawn- AgeII Na13 - Massacre Founder

Sunday, February 13, 2011

New additions to Evony Age 2

With the introduction of it's new improved version the Evony Age 2 , Evony has changed the rules of game playing a lot. Most of these features will bring a new level of game playing over age1 , while some of the features arguably minimizes the fierceness of the battle. Many age 1 players started playing age 2 very lightly just for the sake of testing new the changes and started liking Age 2 over Age1 , while many still swear by their Age I servers and still not ready to change to Age2. But as more and more Age 1 super servers are merging together , it seems more and more age 1 players are moving towards Age 2.

Most exiting changes in Age 2

1) The graphics has improved a lot in Evony Age 2. There are more animations on the valleys and buildings. The designs of the builds are a lot better. While this may look better but also  takes up more memory of your computer so expect " browser  refresh" more often.
2)First 3 days dual build. In the first 3 days of beginner protection , a player can build 2 buildings or research simultaneously. So , the first 3 days are going to be the busiest days for  player.
3) Addition of facebook. This is really of of the greatest addition to Evony. Some people may hate facebook , but the fact is you can get so much resource , items and ambulates from facebook that , it is no longer possible to become a good player in evony Age 2 without having a Facebook account.
4) Historic Hero. In age 2 Evony has added Historic Hero. These heroes have very high attribute point in politics , intelligence or attack.  In every server , there are about 400 Historical Heroes . At the very start of the server you have to spend 10 game cents and get the location of the npc where the Hero resides. Then you have to attack the npc and capture the hero. Players who owns a historic hero has huge advantage over other players due to high attribute points.
4) Hero gear system. - In evony Age 2 , you can add hero gears to your heroes . You can research these gears in the workshop and with each research the atrributes points of all heroes who wears the gear increases. You need to spend items like Lost Amour scripts, wood, iron ore   to research the gears. This is a very good way to earn revenue for evony.
5) Hero starring system - Along with hero gear research, evony introduced another way of incrementing hero attributes is the starring system.  A player can spend some gems(Flawless gems and Delicate Gems ,another age 2 item) and upgrade the star rating. With every increase of star rating the attributes of the heroes increase.
6)Hero level limit - Unlike Age 1, Age 2 heroes can no longer have very very high levels. A historic hero can have maximum level of 150 and a regular hero can only have maximum level of 100.
7) Queen/King - In enony  age 2 each player can own a Queen (if your character is male ) or King( if you are a female character). You can capture the Queen/King after you become Baron in title and complete a series of quests like capturing valleys  and capturing level 8 and level 10 npc. The Queen has 2 specialty that a)she has infinite loyalty so she won't ever leave you. your enemy can never capture your Queen/King.
b) has base attribute of 85 in politics , intelligence and attack.

8)Leadership - In addition to attribute points , an Age 2 hero power also depends on the ledaership he/she has. The leadership is equal to the level of the hero for reguler hero upto maximum 100. Some Historical Heores may have very high leadership greater than his level. The more leadership a hero has the damage he can the amount of troops he can effectively control  while attacking the enemy.

10)Colonization - A player can colonize other players city , which means the other player(whose city you have colonized) still owns his city , but everyday he will have to pay some resource attributes to you( or the player who has colonized).
11) Stratagems -  These are completely new types of items that you can use to strengthen your attack on your enemy or to help your friend who is under attack. Using stratagems effectively  you can do a lot of damage to a very powerful enemy without even going into direct battle with him.

I hope I have listed most of the major additions to enony Age 2 over Age1. I will list out more addition as and when I can remember them.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Evony Age 2 and Facebook

The biggest change in Evony Age 2 over Age 1 is that , now evony has added facebook to it. Now a player can log in with just emailID-password like Age1 or can log in with Facebook ID. But if u play evony using facebook id u will have many great advantages over a non-Facbook player. Nowadays most top alliances made it compulsury to have a facebook account to join the alliance and may even expel you , if u don't have facebook. The main advantages of playing evony Age II with facebook are
1) You will gain more resource from your FB friends
2) You receive upto 20 evony Amulates everyday (amazing isn't it?).
3) Receive tons of troops, Holy water ivory horn , gold and other stuff.
4) Reduce your troop upkeep to 50%(Well , that is juicy).
1) Your facebook wall will be full with posts from evony.

To login to evony Age2 using FB , u can open evony login page and write ur FB login ID and password there or login to Facebook and search and click the Evony app there.

After you login to evony with Fb you can send ally request to or simple Fb friend request to other evony players . Most people send request to the alliance mates. Just send a group message to all alliance member with you FB email or Fb name.
Once you become Fb Friend with another player you can start sending and receiving gifts to them.
If you don't have enough amount of people in your allience, then you can search the the evony groups of FaceBook. There are many people in Facebook who are dieing to increase the number of evony friends. just search google with evony facebook group . In every group wall u will see there are tons of people looking for evony mates.
Gifts you can send or receive depends on your evony rank and title. gifts range from 500k wood to an amulate. You can send amulates (Minor fortune pack, don't know why it is called Minor, this is the juicyest gift  ) if you are a prinzessin you can send amulates to others, and of course if you have prinzessin friend they may send u amulates too. But Beware you can accept only 20 gifts everyday.
Fb has a limit of sending 40 gifts a day, but if u select less than 40 friends, then u can send gifts to many people everyday. Just divide them into many bunches of less than 40 people in each bunch. 20-25 people in bunch worked best for me . I hope evony and FB will keep this bug unfixed for many many days.

While playing the evony, after certain interval Facebook messages will pop up into your screen , telling that you are into some sort of trouble or having some excess stuff. You will be suggested to post that message to your FB wall and ask your FaceBook friends to click that post. Whenever your FB friends click that post you will receive some bonus itmes. Also , the guys who are clicking on the post will receive some bonus. Each post can receive upto 10 clicks and each player can click 15 posts every day.

Most populer Fb posts are 
Hungry no more - reduce 5% troop upkeep with each click
Cavalory           - 100 cavalory with each hit
Ivory Horn       
Holy Water
and off course resources.

Now , next Fb bonus that you can get is the Ally visit bonus. You can send ally request to your FaceBook friends, if they accept your request then both of you become ally to each other. Everyday you can visit your ally kingdoms. With every visit you make to your ally, you  will receive some resource bonus. Similarly , if your ally  visit your kingdom then you will also receive some bonus. A player can receive maximum of 8 greater bonus resource pack and 22 regular bonus resource pack. 
The amount of bonus increases with increase of your title. In beginning days these bonus seems to be a lot, and you won't have wait for resources to accumulate from resources field to continue dual build.

This way you can see that an evony player with facebook account will have a lot of advantages over a non-FaceBook evony player