Sunday, December 20, 2009

Buildings that you can delete in your second city in evony

In Evony you get 22 building spots inside each of your town. It is very essential to have as much barracks as possible to generate troops much faster. So, you have to know which building can be replaced with barracks and when.
I am explaining which buildings you can delete and when you can delete them.

- You should keep a market in one of your city and delete them from the other cities. You buy buy resource in that city and send them other cities.

Inn - Inn is the place where you can recruit heroes. You can recruit heroes from the inn and reinforce them to othere cities. So , keeping an Inn in every city is not very necessery.

Warehouse - Warehouse is not very necessary if you have more than one city . When under attack you can send gold and food very quickly from another city using scouts, for prying and loyalty increasing. So, you don't waste space for warehouse.

Workshop - Workshop is required in each city to develop walls. You can demolish the workshop when your walls reach level 10.
( This is only for age 1, in age 2 you can no longer demolish workshops. if you do that u will loose the hero gear effect in that city)

Stable - You can build one stable in one city for completing the Horse back riding and upgrading relief station. Research Horse Back Riding only in that city where you have built the stable. Once you have level 10 Horse Back Riding you can delete the stable.

Forge - Forge is required for researching Military Science. When your Military Science reaches at 10 you can delete forge. Again , instead of building stable and forge in all your cities , you can build forge in one city and research military science there and build stable in another city and research Horse Back riding there.

Feasting hall- If your city is only for producing troops and you never attack anyone or NPC's then there is no need for keeping Feasting Halls in that city.

Buildings that you must keep in all your cities.

Cottages - You should keep at least 6 cottages in all your cities.

Academy - You must keep academy of same level in each city. If you keep higher level academy in one city and low level academy in another then the city with lower level academy will not get the benefits of high level researches.

Rally Spot - Without a rally spot you can not send troops to another city or attack.

Beacon tower - Without a beacon tower , you won't have information about the attacking troops. if someone attacks your city which has no becon tower you not be able to know what amount of troops are attacking you.

Embassy - If you don't have an embassy then your alliance members can not sends troops to your city for reinforcements.

Relief Station - without a relief station sending troops to another city will take a very long time.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Evony holy water to get powerfull heros from inn

In evony online game, you can hire heroes from the inn. It is always the best to recruit heroes who are at lower levels but have a very high attribute. This is because more higher level a hero gets , more difficult it becomes to level him up as the the experience points needed to level up increases with level in this game. So if you have a hero with level 40 and attack 80 and another with level 1 with attack 68 then it's always better to recruit the second one , because when he reaches level 40 he will have attack 108. This is where Holy water cones in very handy.

Holy water is an item that , can free up some attribute point of an hero so that you can reassign those points to a specific attribute in evony online game. When u apply holy water it is consumed according to the level of the hero. 1 holy water is consumed each 10 level of the hero. A level 1-9 hero will consume 1 holy water, 10-19 hero will consume 2 holy water, 20-29 will consume 3 holy water etc. Now , let me explain how holy water works

Example 1
Hero name : dunn


Before applying holy water


Now , when we apply holy water on him , it consumes 1 holy water as he is level 2 and frees up 2 attribute point(1 holy water for each 10level). Now you can , reassign these 2 free points to his attack.
After redistribution of free points


So the hero becomes 77 attack hero at level 9

Example 2


Before applying holy water
After applying holy water it frees up 9 attribute points and consumes 1 holy water as he is a level 9 hero(1 holy water for each 10level)
After redistribution of free points
So the hero becomes 77 attack hero at level 9

Example 3


Before applying holy water

After applying holy water it frees up 10 attribute points and consumes 2 holy water as he is a level 10 hero(1 holy water for each 10level)
After redistribution of free points

So the hero becomes 68 attack hero at level 10

This way holy water can be used to make a hero more powerful in evony game.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The most effective way to find honor medals in newer evony servers

In Evony online game, finding honor medals is the most difficult task. I found it even more difficult than finding rose medals. Initially it took me about 3-4 days to get each single honor medals. Later I found that, wit proper procedure and some good hard work i can get 3/4 honor medals each day. I saw posts about different theories like Intel heroes getting more honor medals, you must attack fully regenerated npc's in to get honor medals, spam attacking high level valleys, low number of ballistas and what not. I tried all those metods and blown up more than 200k troops in spam attacking valleys, but  got just 1 honor medal from a level 10 forest out of 70+ attacks. It is not quit worth it compared to the amount of troop loss I had by spam attacking high level valleys. After trying many methods I found a simple method which really dropped honor medals for me , about 3/4 honor medals a day. The method I used is simply attacking level 1,2,3,4 npc's all day hundreds of time each day with all the heroes.

The method
1) Create at least 9 npc's of 1,2,3,4 level , very near to your city so that you can hit them within 30 mins. That means the "one way trip " time should be less or equal to 30 mins. Caution : once you get all the honor medals the 1,2,3 level npc's will no longer be required for regular farming. so, I would suggest to take a temporary city just for farming honor medals , create low level npc's around it and drop it later when you get all your honor medals. Or you may give it to other alliance member so that he can farm honor medals from it.
2) Now, send 9 waves of ballistas to hit them.
3) You can use any type of heroes as I had found the type of hero does not really mater. I had found most of the honor medals with attack heroes.
4)You should use any no of ballistas to hit them without loss. Now , as the one way travel time is 30 mins or less , all the 9 waves will come back home within an hour.
5) When all troops come back, again send another 9 waves. So , you are sending 9 waves every hour from each city. If you are doing this from 2 cities , that makes 18 attacks every hour, the more cities u use more better it is. You don't have to hit a fully regenerated npc in order to get medals. 
Here are some screen shots of honor medals I got from half filled npc's


Set a target of hitting the npc's hundred or more times a day , you will surely get 2-3 honor medals each day. You will also get plenty of wisdom and courage medals from level 4 npc's as the drop rate of these medals are much higher than honor medals. So , by the time you get 15 honor medals you will have enough to all types of medals to jump to duke.

Some more screenshots to show number of ballistas really does not matter.

 From level 4 with 500 ballistas

From level 3 with 400 ballistas( I can do level 3 with 100 ballis , but just too lazy to change the numbers, copy paste for all attacks)

 From level 3 with 200 ballistas

From level 10 forest attacking with 16 k warrior and 15k archers.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The most effecttive way to find rose medals in evony

In Evony online game, finding rose medals in the newer servers is one of the most difficult and time consuming task. Rose medals are supposed to drop from the low level valleys when you attack and conquer then. In the newer servers the drop rate of rose medals are reduced very much. The drop rate of rose medals are assumed to be 1%, yes that means you have to attack and conquer a valley up to 100 times to expect one rose medal drop. Evony game developers use this as successful busyness model, so that people get frustrated and go for buying medal boxes from them. While many people do not like this policy, this is not quite unusual that as a company they need to make profit and earn money from the game. But if you do not want to spend money and earn medals by yourself then you have take the method of spam attacking valleys.
The "spam attacking" valley is simply attacking a 1,2,3 level valley multiple times , conquer it then abandon it and again conquer it withing very short time. This way it increases the chance of getting rose medals as the number of attacks increases. Most people the chance of getting medals depends on intelligence of hero and type of valley. But, according to evony game forum moderator and my own experience, I found it is not true. I got all the medals from different types of heroes , lakes , grassland and forest( never tried hills). The only thing that really matters is the number of attacks, the more number of attacks you make the more chances that you get a medal drop. i have seen many people saying "oh, I have attacked it so many times and did not get any medal?". But when I asked they said they made only 10-20 attacks. Now, if getting rose medals would be so easy then I never would have been writing this post.

The process
1. Upgrade your Feasting Hall and Rally Points to level 9 and recruit 9 heroes.
2. Find a level 1,2,3 valley closest to your city. The valley should be within 5 miles from your city to minimize the travel time. [valleys are upgraded by 1 level in each server maintainace (like level 1 goes up to level 2 and level 10 goes to level 1) , so you may have to wait for some days until your closest valley reaches the desired level.]
3. Recruit 9 heroes.
4. Remove the mayor so that you can attack with all your heroes.
5. Make 1 valley slot empty in the city from which you are going to launch the attacks, so that you can conquer the valley successfully.
6. Now , go to map mode and click the valley and select attack. assign 120 - 400 archers depending upon your tech levels. You should select the numbers large enough such that none of your archers get killed in the attack. You have to make hundreds of attack so you should not have losses while attacking. Now select a hero and send the attack. Don't close the window wait for 30 secs. and select another hero and set another attack. Go on doing this until 9 waves of attacks are completed.
5. Now, watch the valley in map mode. Whenever an attack strikes and the valley is conquered a little yellow flag will appear on the valley. Quickly click on the valley , select enter then abandon. This way with every attack you are conquering the valley and abandoning it. If you abandon the valley it will regenerate to its full health instantly.
6. When all the attack launches successfully wait until all the troops return and start the process all over again.

When you launch the last attack of the day do not abandon it. Otherwise , it make be taken by some other player or will be upgraded to next level on server maintenance.

By doing this , if the troops One way Travel time is 3 mins , then it will take 6 minutes to launch 9 attacks and then come back to your city. So in one hour you will be able to complete 90 attacks and hopefully get 1 rose medal every hour.
According to the above calculations you still have to put 15-20 hours of time to get 15 rose medals and reach baron.

How I conquered a level 10 npc in Evony

In evony online game, conquering a npc10 is considered to be one of the most difficult tasks. To conquer a level 10 npc you need to have a very good high attack hero, at least 200k archer and 50k warriors and of course a city slot open(as you are going to conquer it).
The big advantage of conquering a level 10 NPC is that all the buildings of a the npc is at level 10 so , that will save a lot of mich scripts for you.
1. It has level 10 walls for more defence,
2. Level 10 Rally spot so you can send 100000 troops at a time,
3. Level 10 Relief Station so you can send reinforcements more quickly
5. level 10 academy so you can complete all your level 10 researches(except stockpile as it does not have any warehouse).
6. level 10 townhall and 30 level 10 farms , so you can produce more than 1m food every hour with a good politics hero and 10 level 10 lakes.

Disadvantages of Level 10
1. It is hard to conquer so you have to kill about 20-50 k archers to conquer it.
2. It has only 1 level 10 barrack inside , 1 every other types of buildings and rest 20 level 10 cottage, so you have to demolish them first then replace them with barracks , which takes a considerable amount of time.

Why conquering a level 10 is so tough
1. It has a lot of defense. 400k warriors and 3666 AT's , 11k traps , 2.2k rollinglogs , 5k abatis, level 10 walls and all techs maxed to level 10.
2. It continously regenarate it's troops and and gains 3 loyalty every 6 minutes. So , you have to send many waves of attacks very quickly to get it to 0.

Recommended things that you should have to conquer a level 10 barb city with minimum loss
1. 250-300k archers and 150k warriars, 1k of all other types of units upto cataphracts for rainbow.
2. a good attack hero for the first sphearhead attack with at least 140 attack.
3. A level 10 Rally Spot (a level 9 can do the job but you will have about 10-30k more archer loss).
4. Archery level 10 , Millitary tradition , Iron Working and medicine above 7.
5. Use buffs like corselet and horns .

For the purpose of writing this article I have used no buffs and a level 9 rally point to demonstrate that it can be done without using them.
What I have used in conquering the level 10
1. 250-300k archers and 50k warriars, 1k of all other types of units upto cataphracts for rainbow.
2. Attack hero with 223 attack.( He is too powerfull and not everyone have a hero like that but 150 attack will be ok.).
3. A level 9 Rally Spot (a level 9 can do the job but you will have about 10-30k more archer loss).
4. Every other tech at level 10.
5. Not used any buffs.

The method
1. Each time you scout a level 10 the defending hero of it changes. So, continuesly scout the level 10 until the defending hero is of level 10 or less. This is very much essential to minimize troop loss.
2. To defeat the level 10 you need to make the first attack (sphearhead) with maximum number  of archers 90k -100 k archers along with 1 unit of worker, warrior, scout, swordsman and pike for rainbow . This sphearhead will take out all the defences and forticication of the barb city . Also you will have the maximum amount of troop loss in this attack(5k - 40k archers , depnding on the factors stated in the recomendation). Now, once the sphear head takes out the defences, you will have to go on sending 20k archers with rainbow of 1 of all other units(never forget the rainbow) until the loyalty decreases to 0.
Note: If your hero is less that 170 attack then send an 90k warrior waves 1 minute ahead of the archer wave. This will minimize the archer loss to a great extent.

If you are in a good alliance , then you can ask some other stronger member to do the sphearhed for you and do the loyalty waves yourself. This way  , you can save a lot of troops and conquer it even if you don't have the recomemded things.

3. Remove your mayor so that you can send 9 waves and send smaller loyalty decreasing waves continously until it goes down to 0. Resend them when they comes back. Heal the wounded troops. You should have at least 2m gold to heal all the troops.
4. It is a must, that you have the attacking city and the barb city withing 2miles of each other( 1 mile distance is the best). So, first create a level 10 barb city at the adjuscent flat of your attacking city. If you don't have a flat vacant then find a spot with 2 adjuscent blank flats, wait until one of them grows to level 10, Conquer that flat , build city and abondon it make a level 10 barb there. Then create the attacking city in the next flat. The attacking city must have a level 6 academy , level 9 feasting hall and Rally Point.

Below are the reports of how I conquered a level 10 barb town using level 9 rally point and without using any buffs(special defensive items like Horn and corslate)

In the first attack I sent my best attack hero wolverine(223 attack,level163) with 89k archers along with 10 other units util cataphracts for rainbow and I had 22k archer loss. With less attack hero 150 you should expevt more losses ranging from 40-25k. Then i went on sending waves of 25k archers with rainbow( you can do it with 20k archers wave if you don't have that many archers). I had to send about 36 wanves and the whole operation took 18 minutes of time with about 40 k archer loss.Click on the pictures to have larger views. Please write your comments if you think i have missed some point.



3rd Attack

4th Attack

8th Attack


10th Attack

13th Attack

16th Attack

18th Attack

19th Attack

23th Attack

26th Attack

36th Attack

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

10 interesting ways to annoying your enemy in evony

Here I am discussing some tips to piss off your enemy without actually attacking him in evony online game. These steps will create a psychological pressure on your enemy and make him commit mistakes when you make a real attack on him. In the game of evony online game, the defenders get more advantage than the attacker because when someone attacks you then he has to fight with your wall defense , but if you attack against your enemy then you have to fight against his wall defense. So , its a very good idea if you can lure your enemy to attack you , instead of you attacking him.
1.Hate mails - This is the most common and widely used technique to piss off your enemy in evony online game.Your hate mails make him angry and tempt him to attack you with whatever he has. The greatest benefit of this hate mails are, if he replies to you, then you know he is online and don't do any real attack on him until he goes offline.
2.World chat - Tell abusive words to him and his alliance in world chat. If he replies then you know he is online in the game.
3.Give his coordinates in world chat - write the coordinates of his weakest city and tell everyone ask everyone to attack him. You may declare some award of game resources or gamecents to anyone who successfully finds or attacks him.
4. Attack and take his valleys - This is another very effective way to make him weak, in the game of evony. If you take his valleys then he won't be getting any benefits from the valleys. But don't keep his valley. Conquer and abandon, this will make the valleys regenerate the troops and he will have more trouble getting it back.
5. Farm his npc's very often - If his cities are close to your city then farm his npc's. He won't get his resources from npc's and become weak as he won't have enough food to keep large army, because the only way you can have large army in evony online game is to get lots of food from npc's.
6.Attack him with a very large camp time - Launch an attack using 1 warrior and a very large camp time such as 300 hours. This is make the red bird( attack alert) flashing for 300 hours. He will be annoyed at first then will stop checking (hopefully) the attack alerts. So, when you launch a real attack he won't know it and can not call for reinforcements.
7. Fill up all flats near him with very high level or very low level npc's - this one is lengthy process. If you can fill all nearby flats of his cities with very high level (8,9,10) or very low level(1,2) npc's , then he won't be able to farm them .
8. Launch attacks on him and recall just before the attack strikes at the last moment - Launch attacks on him with large army. Probably he will call for reinforcements from his alliances. Then recall your troops just before the attack strikes.
9.Scout him hundreds of times with 1 scout - If you scout him many time with just 1 scout ,then he will be getting hundreds of "scouting attempts" reports every day.
10. Attack him with very low amount of troops - If you attack him with a very low amount of troop which can be very easily defeated by him , then that will make him think that you are a noob player and don't have much army to defend. he will be tempted to attack you . Attacking him multiple times with just 1 pike and a hero will make his war report filled with "plunder reports". Do this with low quality hero otherwise your good heroes will be captured by him(If he keeps his gates open).

These are the few tactics I have learned while playing the game for annoying the enemy. Please contribute your own ideas in comments.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Scout guide for evony online game

In evony online game scouts are the fastest among all other types of troops. Scouts are mainly used for spying information from enemy city or valleys , but you can also send them for attacking your enemy.
If you want to scout a valley or enemy city , then go to the map mode , then click on the valley/city that you want to scout. Then click the scout button and in the troop selection window select the amount of scout for scouting mission. Beware , do not send any non-scout troops like archers, warriors etc along with scouts. They will simple not return. You won't get any information about them but all other types of troops will simply get wiped off except the scouts

In evony online game, when you are planning to attack a city or valley , you should always scout it first. If your scouts are successful in scouting the enemy, you will get all important information about the enemy like how much army they have , amount of wall defense, the no of building and their level and the amount of research they have done. Based on this scout report you can decide how much troops you need to send to successfully kill the enemy in this game.
The amount of information you get greatly depends on the level of informatics research that you have done and the number of scouts you send. Also some say that level of beacon tower and level of intelligence of the mayor increases the amount of information the scouts can gather in evony online game.
When you send scouts on a scouting mission and the enemy city gates are closed they won't be attacked by the enemy troops or the wall defense like Archer's tower, abatis , rolling logs etc. However, if the enemy city gates are open the scouts of (not any other kind of troops) the enemy city will fight with your scouts and try to kill them. If all your scouts are killed in fight then you won't get any information and your enemy will receive some honor point. So, it is advised that when you scout your enemy try to send as much scouts as possible. Another thing you should always do is to send your a hero along with the scouts. The scouts of the enemy city will always fight under the command of a hero , so they will have advantage over your scouts if you send your scouts without a hero. Also , you can avoid getting scouted by successfully if your create lot of scouts and keep you gates open. This way whenever anyone tries to scout you , their scouts will be killed by your scouts. In the evony online game when you are just out of beginner's protection most people does not have more than 1000 scouts, so if you create a little higher than 1000 scouts then no one will be able to scout you. As the game advances you should increase the amount of scouts and keep your gates open to prevent your enemy successfully scout on you. At very advanced stage , you must create at least 130,000 scouts. This is because , due to limitation of rally point , a player can send a maximum of 100,100 scouts from a level 10 rally point in this game. If he apply "war ensign"( which increases the capacity of sending troops by 25%) the he can send 125,000 scouts . This is the maximum amount of troops anyone can send in evony online game. Now, if you have more than 125,000 scouts in your city then all the enemy scouts will be killed. Of course , if your enemy has lots of scouts then he may send waves of 100,000 scouts repeatedly and will be able to scout your city successfully, but most players do not waste so much amount of resource and time just to scout a city.
You should not scout your neighbors too often as scouting is considered as an offense, a preparation before an actual attack. So , if you scout others very often then they will be offended and stronger player may even scout or attack you back. However, you should scout players with low prestige than you who is from enemy or
neutral alliance.
Some players also use scouts for attacking the enemy. Scouts have very low attack and defense. But due to high speed they can even bypass the archer towers if the enemy gates are open and attack the enemy troops residing in the city. But as they have very low attack you will have to send lots and lots of scouts to successfully kill all the enemy troops. This method the called as "Scout Bomb" technique. However , scout bomb will completely fail if the enemy city gates are closed. In that case scouts will try to attack the wall defense and will be very easily slaughtered.
Scouts are also very useful when you try to send your hero to another city of you. by rule you have to send at least one troop to send along with your hero. So, sending a scout along with the hero makes him reach the destination city(of your own) very fast.
Scouts are also very useful , when you have to send some resource to you allied member very fast. Though scouts can not bear a lot of resource, but due to their great speed they carry the resource and come back to your city very fast. You can again send them to carry some more resource to the friend city. This is extremely useful when the allied member city has no food left to feed their solders. At this situation the food needs to be carried there immediately.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

How to get heros in evony

In evony online game the heroes play a major role in the game play. Good heroes can give you major advantage over the opponent players.
In this game heroes have three attributes Politics , intelligence and attack and overall level.Heroes help you gain prestige and honor fast when you set them as mayor
1. A good politics hero gives you extra resource and reduces building time thus quickly builds up prestige than other players.
2. A good intelligence hero reduce the research time and gets more information in scouting other players city or valleys.
3. A good attack hero minimizes the troop building time and win a battle against stronger opponent player.

Heroes gain experience points by attacking cities and running your own city as mayor. When he gains a certain amount of experience point to level up you can upgrade him to next level and he gains an attribute point for each level up. This attribute point can be added to his politics or intelligence or attack. So , in essence each level upgrade of a hero improves his one of the three attributes in evony online game. Now , the catch is , as the hero levels up the experience point needed to reach the next level increases. For example ,
A level 5 hero will need 2500 experience points to move to level 6
A level 6 hero will need 3600 experience points to move to level 7

So , it is evident that a low level hero is more easier to upgrade than a high level hero . This is the key factor of choosing hero from the Inn.

In evony online game, the Inn is the primary source of the heroes you can recruit. The of hero comes to visit the inn is equal to the level of the inn.Also the level of heroes increases with the increase of level of Inn. You have to spend more gold to higher level heroes. But remember , higher level heroes does not always mean higher attributes.
So, recruit those heroes who have low levels and high attributes, preferably level 1 heroes with more than 65 in any of the attributes Also remember recruiting higher level heroes needs more gold and they will consume more gold as salary every hour. So, recruiting higher heroes may punch a big hole in your gold reserve.
New heroes comes to the Inn every hour in this game, so you have to check the Inn regularity. Some people create a level 1 Inn and repeatedly destroy and rebuild it. So every time you rebuild it you get a completely new hero. This process will halt all other building upgrades. Some people recruits heroes and dismiss them repeatedly. This process wastes a lot of gold.
Another way of getting new heroes in the Inn is to click the "refresh" button in the inn. It will consume a "Hero Hunting" Item from your chest(only if you have that item) and refresh the Inn immediately. Unfortunately, you get limited number of "Hero Hunting", so this process can not be used many times.

Another way of getting heroes is by conquering valleys or cities. Whenever you conquer a valley or an enemy city you will be able to capture the hero who was defending it. If you have empty slot in your feasting Hall( like your feasting hall is level 5 and you had 4 heroes there before conquering the valley) the captured hero will be placed in your feasting hall and he will be shown as "captive" with loyalty as 0. Now , to recruit the captured hero you have to click "Persuade" and award him gold or medals. Medals are required for promotion of your rank, so it is not very good idea to recruit heroes using medals, unless you have a lot of excess medals. So you have to recruit them by spending gold.  Again , from my experience captured heroes from valleys are not very good ones (that's why they got defeated under your attack). This process works great for enemy cities. If you capture a city from a good player it is likely that he will have a good hero under his possession and worked a lot to upgrade the hero. So, when you capture the hero you will get all the benefits of that players hard work.

Friday, September 11, 2009

How to level up your heros in evony online game

In Evony online game the the higher attributes your heroes have the more advantage you have in the gameplay.
thus it is extremely useful to know how to level up your heroes quickly. to level up your heroes you have to add experience points to your heroes. When your hero get a certain amount of experience you can go to feasting hall and click "view" on that hero and click "upgrade". Each upgrade gives one attribute point which you can add to his politics , attack or intelligence.

Now there are two ways to add experience point to a hero.
1. Setting him as the mayor of your city. When you set a hero as mayor he gains experience point automatically. So, your high politics hero(when set as mayor) gains experience without much of your effort.
2. For attack hero and intelligence heroes you have to gain experience by attacking other player cities or NPC's (barbarian city). Attacking player cities does have some "side effect" that they may attack you back or you don't have too many enemy cities around.
Thus , it's best practice that you attack NPC's again and again. NPC's (non player city or barbarian city) are system generated city. When you attack and plunder NPC's you get a very good amount of resource(mainly food) and good lot of experience points for your hero. After you plunder an NPC it start regeneration of the resource and regenerate to it's full resource after 8 hours( fortification comes back after 1 hour). So , you can attack the same NPC every 8 hour and gain lot of resource and experience points for your hero.

Evony Excalibur

In Evony online game , excalibur is an item that you can award your hero. It increases the hero's attack by 25% for upto 7 days. After 7 days it will go away automatically.
How to use Excalibur
it's an item that you have to award your hero. To use it go to your feasting hall and select the best attack hero there and click "view" on that hero. In the new window select "Excalibur" in the dropdown window and then click the reward button.You should award it to the existing best attack hero as it's a percentage increase. So a more high attack hero will have more higher increase in attack.
Benefits of Excalibur
A high attack hero can decrease the troops production time in the barracks if you make him the mayor while producing the troops. A high attack hero also wins difficult fight against stronger enemy with minimum troop loss.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The hero guide in evony online game

In Evony online game the heroes control the gameplay in every aspect. You must have been surprised that how some players gain prestige and train large troops so fast while you can not. The main reason behind this is the experienced players have high leveled heroes and use them properly.
Heroes help you gain prestige fast in three different ways.
A hero has three different attributes politics, intelligence and attack.
When you select a hero as the mayor of your city them they help you in the following ways
1. A hero with high politics reduces the building time. A high politics hero also increases the production rate of the resources of that city.
2. A hero with high intelligence will reduced the time taken for doing a research. Some players also say that they also help to get more information when you scout someones city and and increase medal drop rates.
3. A high attack hero increases the troops production speed and defend your city when someone attacks you.

Remember the hero attributes will work only if you set the hero as mayor. So you have to switch heroes as mayor when you are starting a research or starting a troop production run.
You need at least level 3 feasting hall to recruit 3 heroes of different attributes

1. The highest politics hero will remain mayor as default , as he increases the resource production.
2. When you are going to start a research , make the highest intelligence hero as mayor. Start the research and again bring back the high intelligence hero as mayor(you don't have to wait for the research to complete, you can do this immediately after the start of the research).
3. In similar way ,when you start producing troops you have to make the highest attack hero as mayor, then bring back the high politics hero as mayor again.

Now , to have this work, you must have at least a level 3 feasting hall so that you can accommodate all 3 heroes. To recruit heroes you also need an Inn. The heroes will gather into the Inn and from the Inn you can select and recruit heroes. The recruited heroes will move to the feasting hall. The heroes in the inn will rotate every hour. If you click the refresh button then the heroes will be rotated immediately but it will cost you an item "Hero Haunting". Some people create a level 1 inn and then check if the hero is good otherwise demolish the inn and build a new one. This way you can rotate the hero very quickly. A higher level inn holds more number of heroes and higher level of heroes.

While recruiting heroes from inn you have to recruit heroes who have low level but high on attributes, otherwise it will be difficult to level up the heroes.
For example if
heroA has level 5 , politics 65 and heroB has level 30, politics 75 then HeroA is always better one to recruit, because when heroA levels up and reaches level 30 he will have politics 90.

To appoint a hero as mayor open the click on the feasting hall, then click on the "Appoint mayor " button and select the hero from the drop down list of heroes.

Selecting and changing heroes hold the most key point to beat other players in the evony online game. Please write your comment if you think i have missed any point.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sending reinforcements and resource to ally members in evony online game.

In evony online game you may want to send resource or troop reinforcements to your ally member or other members want to do the same to you.
To transport resource to other allies , go to map mode , type the city coordinates where you want to send the transport. Click on the city, then click transport. Now select the amount of workers or transporters who will carry the resource. workers and transporters can carry a lot of resource so using other types of troops for transporting are not good idea. But sometimes, when you want to send resources very fast you may use scouts. Then , select the type and amount of resource that you want to send, click Ok. If you have a high level Relief Station in the city from where you are sending the transport then the time of transferring the resources will be minimized greatly( 5 times for each level of upgrade in Relief Station)in evony online game.

Reinforcement is when your ally member is attacked and you want to send your army to help him defend his city.
In evony online game sending reinforcement is same as above , but the city where you are going to send reinforcement must have an Embassy. More upgraded the embassy is , the more groop of allied troops can be garrisoned there(this does not effect the army size). As example , we can say that if the city has level 3 embassy then , it can hold troops from 3 different ally member.
Difference between transport and reinforcement is, when you transport your troops come back to your town automatically and when you reinforce the troops stay in the destination town until you call them back. The reinforced troops will defend the ally city but they can not be send to attack by the ally. To recall the reinforced troops you have to open "reports" -> "army movements" tab and select the troop to recall. Your ally (where you sent the reinforcement can also send them back from their embassy) in this game.
Building that helps in resource transport and reinforcements in evony online game.

Relief Station- Relief Stations greatly minimizes the amount of time required to transport and reinforcements between different cities of your own and ally cities. So if you have cities great distance apart then a high level relief station is a must have. In this game Relief Stations minimizes the transport time by 5 times for each level of upgrade.
Embassy- This is essential for sending troop reinforcements. If you don't have embassy in your city then other ally members can not reinforcements to that city. So it is a good practice to have an embassy in each of your city. Also, you must tick the checkbox "Allows troops of the allied members to garrison your current city". The more upgraded your embassy is , the more number of ally members can send troops to your city.

Reinforced troops only take part in defense , you can not send them to war.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Guide on opening and closing city gates in evony free online game

In evony online game the opening and closing of gates holds a good importance on strategy of battle.

Procedure to opening and closing gates.
Your gates are closed by default , if you want to open them then go to Rally Point and tick the box beside Medic Camp and your gates will be closed.

Advantages of opening the gates

In general, if someone attacks you in evony online game and if the gates of your city is closed then the army inside will not attack the the enemy troops. Only the fortifications like traps, Archer towers will fight them. But if the gates are opened then fortification and your troops both will attack the enemy. So , if the attacking troops are relatively small and you don't have enough Archer Towers to defeat them, then you may open the gates so that the troops inside your city can kill them.

You should also open your gates when someone has attacked you and other allied members are trying to send you reinforcements. Reinforcements can only enter your city if the gates of your city is open, otherwise they will go back to the allied member.

Opening your gates can be great advantage if you have lots of scouts. If someone sends scouts to your city and the gates of your city are open, then your scouts will try to kill the enemy scouts. If your scouts are larger in number than the enemy scouts then your scouts kill all enemy scouts and you will get a lot of honor and the enemy player won't get any information about your city. However, if the enemy scouts are greater in number then they will kill all your scouts and the enemy player will gain honor and all information about your city.
Closing the gates are required when someone has already defeated you and destroyed all your fortifications and you are left with very small amount of troops inside. At this point you need to close the gates until some reinforcements from other ally member come(if any).
Also, you should close the gates when the number of scouts you have is very small, so that enemy scouts do not kill them.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Get the more benefits from your alliance : Use of Relief Station and Embassy in evony Online game

In Evony Online MMORPG Games if you have joined and alliance , it is often required to send troops to other member cities. The purpose of Relief Station is the shorten the time taken for your troops to other member's city and also between your own city. Each upgrade of your relief station increase the transfer time of the troops between your two cities or some other member's city by 5 times.
This becomes extremely useful in the following cases in evony online game.
1. Your cities are fur away from each other(happens when you teleport your city) and you want to transfer resource or reinforce troops to the other city.
2. You want to help another alliance member by reinforcing troops to his city or send resource.
In both the above cases high level relief Station helps to move the troops at much faster speed.
If you want to send reinforcement / resource to the city of other member, then go to map mode and type his city coordinates in the two boxes in the top left boxes on the screen. now you will be taken to his city location. Click on his city and select reinforce/ transport according to the need. Then select the amount of troops and resource to send.

Use of Embassy.
In evony online game, another building that is required for helping other alliance members or getting help from them is Embassy. Building an embassy lets you join a alliance. If you want to create your own alliance then you need to have a level 2 embassy. Other tan creating your own alliance , the greatest benefit of Embassy is , at the time of war if your city gets attacked by other players, then the other members of your alliance can send troops to reinforce your city and help you defend from the impending attack. If your Embassy is level 2 then troops from two other members can come to defend your city, for level 3 embassy troops from 3 members can come to protect your city. So , it is a must that you create embassies in each city.

PS : To get reinforcements from allied members you must open your gates (go to Rally point and tick the box beside the "medic camp" button) . Now select embassy , then tick the box labeled as "Allows troops of allied members to garrison your current city".

Saturday, August 22, 2009

What is rainbow attacking method in evony online games

The rainbow attacking method is very popular and effective in evony free online game. The rainbow method gives a lot of advantage to the attacker in winning the battle. It is just a simple method yet very powerful.
The process of rainbow is simply send 1 type of every troops along with the archers. An example of rainbow will be

1 worker
1 warrior
1 pikeman
1 swordsman
1 cavalry
60000 archers
1 cataphract
etc etc.
The main reason behind this is to form a shield to protect the most powerful troops , archers. Now, how just one of each troop forms shield for all those archers? In evony online game the battle is fought in rounds. In each round the defender and attacker try to kill each others just one type of troop. So , we can say that for each type of troop you send you will get a extra round of firing. This can be simulated as follows
Suppose the defence (your opponent has 10000 Archet Towers/AT)
So, the battle will be fought as follows.
Round 1.
Enemy - The 10000 Archer Towers hit your 1 worker(remember in each round all of them hit a single type of troop).
You - Your 6ok archers kills 2000 AT's(Archer Tower)
round 2 -
Enemy - The 8000 AT's hit the kill 1 warrior.
You - Your 6ok archers kills 2000 AT's

round 3 -
Enemy - The 6000 AT's hit the kill your 1 Pikeman.
You - Your 6ok archers kills 2000 AT's

round 4 -
Enemy - The 4000 AT's hit the hit and kill your 1 swordsman.
You - Your 6ok archers kills 2000 AT's

round 5 -
Enemy - The 2000 AT's hit the hit your 10000 archers.
You - Your 50k archers kills 1500 AT's

round 6
Enemy - The 500 AT's hit the kill your 500 archers.
You - You kill the rest of the at's.

Though ,the above process is very much simplified to give you an overall idea of the rainbow method. Remember, while the opponent's level of research , level of walls, speed of different troops makes a great difference . Sending the rainbow alone does not ensure you will win the battle, but we can surely say that sending rainbow troops are much better that sending only the archers in the evony online games.

How to heal your troops in evony online game

In evony MMORPG game ,when you send troops to battle to conquer valleys or city some of the troops will survive with wounds. In the battle report you will be able to see the percentage of your troops that has been wounded.You have to cure these troops before they die. To cure the wounded troops
you have to go to the Rally Spot , then click on the "medic Camp" . In this screen you will be able to see the actual number of men that are wounded. Now , if you click the cure button then it will show the amount of gold that will be needed to heal the wounded troops. If you click heal button then the wounded troops will be healed and the amount of gold will be deducted from your stock.

In short the process is
Go to Rally Point , Medic camp, Heal.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

How to recall your troops in evony online

In evony online game sometimes you need to recall your troops from where you have sent them. Recalling the troops is required mostly in the following condition
1. Your troops conquered a valley and camped there.
2. You sent the troops to attack an enemy city and now you think it's not good idea to attack it anymore.(He sent you a mail begging for mercy)

There are 2 ways to recall an army back to your city in evony MMORPG
1. Go to feasting hall, check the hero who has "march" or "return" status in the last column and the "Recall" button is activated. Click the "recall" button for the hero whom you want to recall.
2.Click 'Reports'(in right of quests button) then 'Army Movement' tab. There you will see all your troops not at home will be listed. Click "view" then "recall".

Recalling your army are very important when you send them to conquer a valley. Your attacking troops "camps" in the valley when they successfully conquers it. While camping your troops eat double the amount of food until you recall them back. So, whenever you see the food consumption has suddenly become very high check the "reports", "army movements" to see if there is any camping troops and recall them back immediately.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How to send a hero to another city in evony

In evony online game sometimes you need to send a hero of one city to another city. Being able to send heroes from one city to another will cut the requirement of building inn's in every city. You can just build one inn in one city , recruit good hero there and send them to other cities. This way you can save the spot required to build inn in the second city and build something useful there.

To send a hero from one city to another you need to follow the steps
1. The other city where you want to send the hero needs to have an open spot in the Feasting Hall. You can do this either by upgrading the feasting hall or dismiss any existing hero from the feasting hall.
2. Then go to the city from where you want to send the hero.Click rally point, march, Select city where you want to send from favorites, select reinforce, select the hero that you want to send, select a scout along with him. Scouts move fastest , so the hero will reach the second city in fastest possible time.
Now you will be able to find the hero in the feasting hall of the destination city.

So, sending a hero from one city to another is that simple.

How to apply Anabasis in Evony.

In evony online game you can apply an item called "Anabasis" to increase the experience of a hero by 1000points or 8% of the current experience of the hero, whichever is greater. Using this item can be a very good advantage as this can increasing the experience of the hero enables him to gain more levels and attributes.

Many players do not understand how to apply this item on a hero in evony. So they just ignore this item. To apply this item on a hero you have to do the following things.

1.Open your feasting hall and select the hero you want to add the experience to by clicking the "view" button to the right of the that hero.
2. On the hero screen, there is a green + sign next to their experience points.
3. Click this button to bring up all of the items that you can apply to their experience (Anabasis is one of them). Click on the apply button next to the item you want to use.

How to change flag in Evony

In Evony online game when you join an alliance you are supposed to change your flag according to your alliance flag. A flag is a quick indication of the alliance you are member of. When other players browse the map , if they see a flag on your city they will understand you are a part of an alliance and may not scout/attack you.
To change the flag you must have at least one "national flag" in your items, otherwise you can not change it.

Now, click on your image in the top left panel . That will open the "Player Info " panel.
In the bottom of "player info" panel you can write the flag of your alliance.
Some times this can be a little tricky situation , when you have changed your alliance but don't have "national flag" in your inventory , and can not change the flag until you get another "national flag" from the wheel of fortune. In this situation message your problem to the host of both your old and new alliances.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Benefits of conquering valleys in Evony Online game

In Evony online game , the main challenge is to have a steady incoming flow of resources. You need to maximize the resources you gain every hour.
One way to do that is to acquire valleys nearby(except flats). Each valley (grassland, forest, dessert, hills,lake) gives a percentage resource bonus of the base rate of production. If you hover your mouse on a valley it will show you the information like
1. Type of valley it is
2. what type of resource increase it gives. Like , forest increases lumber production, deserts increases stone production, hills increase iron production, lake increase food production, grassland increase either lumber or food production)
3. which type of resource production it increases.
4. percentage by which it increases production of resource.
5. If it is currently owned by any lord.

Every valley has troops hidden within them . To conquer a valley you have to attack a valley and kill all the hostile troops inside it. Now if your valley quota is not full then the valley will come under your ownership and it will continue to give you percentage bonus of your base resource production. The more higher level valley , the more higher resource bonus it gives. Also higher level valleys contain more amount of hostile troops in it, so to conquer a higher level valley is more difficult task, so in the beginning you have to attack lower level valleys and in later stages when you gather enough troops attack higher level valleys.
The number of valleys you can own is equal to the level of your town hall. So, if you have 2 cities with level 9 town halls , then you can own 9+9=18 valleys in total. If your valley quota for a particular city is full and you want to acquire a new higher level valley then you can abandon one of your low level valley and free up one valley spot.
Now, try to acquire valley that increase the highest base production resources. For example , if you have base production of 100k lumber in one city and only 10k iron production in that city , then you should acquire more forest for that city than hills. Each forest you add to that city will give you 100*X bonus for lumber while each hill will give you 10*X iron bonus.

To conquer a valley scout the valley first ,then send your troops about three times the amount of troops that the valley have.

To conquer a valley first find a valley suitable to your strength of army . Then check if it is owned by other lord or not. If it is a free valley then send about 100 scouts to check the amount of troops the valley contains. If the level of your informatics is low then you may not get the exact amount of troops in the valley. Your will see they are denoted as Pack, Lots, etc. Below is the list of terms you may see in your report and their meaning

Few 1-25
Pack 25-50
Lots 50-100
Horde 100-250
Throng 250-500
Swarm 500-1k
Zounds 1k-2.5k
Legion 2.5k-5k
Bulk 5k-10k
Giga 10k+

Now you despatch about 3 times the army that is hidden in the valley. If your army can defeat the army in the valley you said have conquered the valley. the valley will continue to give you resource bonus until you release it or someone else conquer the valley from you.

Now , in later stages of the game when your army strength will increase you have to abandon low level valleys and conquer new high level ones. To abandon an existing valley go to "overview", then "valleys" . "View" the valley that you want to abandon and click "abandon".

daveshow07 has pointed out a very common problem that I forgot to mention. When you send you troops to conquer the valleys , your army will camp there if they can successfully conquer the valley. Now, while camping the troops consume twice the regular amount of food , so you will see a sudden increase in "troop upkeep" or consumption of food by the troops. To solve this you have to recall your army from the valley. To recall your army from valley ,Go to feasting hall and recall the hero from the valley, or in map select the valley -> enter -> recall, or go to reports -> army movements -> check for "camp"-ed army and then recall.

How to destroy your own buildings in Evony

In Evony MMORPG game some times your need to demolish your own buildings. You have to demolish your building by 1 level at a time. If your cottage is at level 4 , then you have to demolish it to level 3 first , then level 2 , level 1 then complete removal. You can start new building at the empty place. Each time you demolish your building you get back some of the resource you spend upgrading it. It will take some time to downgrade/demolish your building depending on the level and type of your building.

Click on the image for larger view

If you want to demolish your building in evony online game, then click on the building you want to demolish ,then click on the red circle shown in the picture. If you mouseover the red circle it will show how much resource you will recover by demolishing the building and how long it takes.

Now , when you click on the red circle , it will ask if you want to completely demolish with "dynamite"? Dynamite is an item in "my Items" that can demolish buildings instantly. If you click yes then it will use up 1 dynamite and demolish the building instantly, but you won't get back any resource. If you select "demolish by one level" then it will demolish by one level only and it will take time, but you get back some amount of resource.
Happy evony gaming.

Friday, August 7, 2009

How to increase your prestige in Evony online.

In evony online , the rank of a player is mostly decided by the amount of prestige they have. At first i was having a hard time to figure out how another player is gaining prestige so fast . All he gets the answer is "build more building and war" . Later, I started figuring out how to boost up prestige faster.
Yes , it is true that you can gain prestige by buildings and war, but there are certain techniques to speed up the process.

1. In the beginning your only option to gain prestige is to follow the questline. It is a good guide for beginners and each quest award you such a way that the the resources that you require to start the next quest. So , for first 1-2 days you won't have to do anything outside the quest, because if you do something outside the quest , then it will consume your resource but you won't get any reward for it. Then you will have to wait until it comes back to normal.

2.Use the free 5 min speed ups. In evony if the base time for upgrading a building is less than 5 mins then you get a free speed up. This speed ups will not consume your beginners or primary guidelines. So , when upgrading the buildings click the speed up button. If it is a free speed up then it will complete immediately , otherwise it will show the "guidelines" window, which means it is greater than 5 mins upgrade and you won't get free speed up for this.

2. Recruit a good politics hero. The best way to speed the prestige is to speed up the buildings. To speed up the buildings to need to recruit a very high level politics hero. To recruit a hero you need a inn and a feasting hall .The heroes will come to the inn and you can recruit them from there and appoint them mayor in the feasting hall. The hero should be a low level - high politics hero. A low level hero will take less gold to recruit and easier to upgrade. So a level 10 hero with 70 politics is better than a level 10 hero with 60 politics. After recruiting the hero make him the mayor in the feasting hall. Upgrade heroes regularly, when he reaches the required points for next upgrade.

3.Try to upgrade buildings and research in the academy at the same time. If you do upgrades and research both in the same time , then you get prestige for both of them at the same time.

4. Use a high intelligence hero to speed up the research. As high politics hero speed up the building time , a high intelligence hero speed up the research time. So , you need to upgrade the feasting hall to level 2 and recruit another hero with high intelligence level. Now , when you are going to start a new research make the high intelligence hero as mayor . Start the research , then again bring back the high politics hero as mayor. Believe me, it is much easier than it sounds and pros do it all the time.

5. Award your politics hero "Wealth of the nation". You can reward your hero with items from your inventory. Go to feasting hall and view the hero with highest politics. Award him with item "wealth of the nation". This will increase the hero's politics by 25% for 24 hours to 7 days. Make him mayor. This will decrease the building time and the extra resource you get from the mayor. Remember, it is a percentage increase , so more base politics your hero has , more increase he will get.

6.Try to get more than 1 city and build and research in both simultaneously.
If you can build and research in both of your city (until you get more cities) simultaneously. That will give you a lot of prestige boost. To get your second city ,claim your newbies package and lords package (click the gift icon in the top left corner of your screen, beside the internet explorer icon). This will give you enough medals required for major rank and get another city. Build same level academy in both of your city and start researching in both the cities.

7. Build more troops. Build at least 10 barracks in one of your city and start building troops. You get lot of prestige when you build troops. Build more warrior as they takes less time to build.

8. Reach 50000 population limit in one of your city. There is a population quest which awards 5000 prestige if you can reach 50000 population in a single city. So , select one of your resource city and build about 15 cottages of level 9. Then reach 100% loyalty by repeatedly comforting them. This way you can reach 50000 population and receive the 5000 prestige award. For comforting go to overview, then comforting tab and apply "disaster relief" . Each time you do this , it will deduct some food and increase the loyalty by 5. Don't worry about the food shortage, it is explained in the next point.

9. Get more taxes.
Once you reach 50000 population then increase the loyalty to hundred by repeated comforting(Disaster relief) them set the tax rate to 100%. This will increase the gold you generate from taxes. You will be able to get about 50ooo gold each hour. keep on the loyalty to 100 by doing comforting (disaster relief). Now , disaster relief decrease the amount of food each time. So, you have to buy food from market. The amount of gold you have to spend in the market for buying food is fur less than the amount of gold you receive from the tax. So , every hour you will gain a lot of gold even after buying food from market. Remember, set the tax rate back at 50% when you are going to be offline for long time. Otherwise, the loyalty will come to 0 and the population of your city will be become 0.

10. Increase your prestige through war.
Every war you win you award you with some prestige. be it a valley or npc or some other player. Start with low level valleys, then gradually start taking low level npc's. Look for low prestige players who don't have any alliances. Attack and defeat them. Apart from adding up prestige they will also give you resources which will help you do more building/research. in evony, you will get more prestige if you loose troops in battle and still win the fight. The more troops you loose , the more prestige you will gain, but you will have to win the war, otherwise you loose prestige.

I hope this post will help some of you guys. If I find any other important point later I will post it here. Please post your comments if you think i have missed any point here. Thank you.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Evony tax policy explained : get 30k gold every hour from tax

In evony online MMORPG using the tax policy you can earn a lot of gold every hour. This is the most comfortable way of earning gold because you don't have to sell your resources or don't have to loose troops attacking other players. Your own people will give you lots of gold every hour in the form of tax and the method is very simple.

You have to follow three simple steps to do that.

1. Set your tax rate t0 o. To do this , click "Overview" below your image in the top left panel, then go to "tax Rate" tab and set the tax rate to 0 there. Wait for some time , until the loyalty becomes 100. The number beside the mask icon is the loyalty. When you set the tax rate to 0 the the rate of gold earning may become red , as you are not drawing any gold from tax but have to pay the hero his salary. So , do it only if you have at least 2k gold in reserve.

2. Now, when the loyalty goes 100, set the tax rate to 100%. This will maximize the gold earning from tax.

3. Now , as you set the tax rate to 100 , your loyalty starts falling. Simple formula for loyalty is 100 - tax rate = loyalty. To keep the loyalty at 100 , you have to apply "comforting". When your loyalty goes down to 95, go to "overview", the "comforting", select "disaster relief" and apply. Now every time you do comforting , it consumes some food and your loyalty goes up by 5 and it stays 100. You can do comforting after every 15 min.

Now if you have a large population then your food consumption for every comforting will be huge. If you fall short of food buy it from the market. In all servers food are very cheap to buy. So the gold you have to spend on food will be much less than the money you earn from taxing. The more population you have the more gold you get every hour.

That's all you have to do. Now more your your population , more amount of gold you will be getting. With 30 k (9 level 9 cottages) population you can get about 30 k gold every hour.

Only downside on this method is you have to do comforting every 15 min , so when you are not going to be online for long time then bring back the tax rate to 20% , otherwise loyalty will decrease to 0 and the people will leave your city.

Now , why do you have to set the loyalty to 100. This is not a necessary condition, but more loyalty you have, more people you come to your city and more people your city has they will pay you more taxes. That is why it is best to have 100 loyalty all the time.

Avoid doing this when you will be offline for long .