In evony online game you can apply an item called "Anabasis" to increase the experience of a hero by 1000points or 8% of the current experience of the hero, whichever is greater. Using this item can be a very good advantage as this can increasing the experience of the hero enables him to gain more levels and attributes.
Many players do not understand how to apply this item on a hero in evony. So they just ignore this item. To apply this item on a hero you have to do the following things.
1.Open your feasting hall and select the hero you want to add the experience to by clicking the "view" button to the right of the that hero.
2. On the hero screen, there is a green + sign next to their experience points.
3. Click this button to bring up all of the items that you can apply to their experience (Anabasis is one of them). Click on the apply button next to the item you want to use.